Academician-secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov made address titled “Scientific researches and directions of development of Biological and Medical Sciences” at the next meeting of Presidium of ANAS on December 14.The Academician-secretary provided a detailed insight into scientific and scientific and organisational works implemented by scientific enterprises of this Department of ANAS.
The scientistemphasized thatacademicians A. A. Grossgeim, V.Volobuyev, J.Aliyev, M.Topchubashov, I.Mustafayev, Sh.Tagiyev, A.Garayev, M.Abutalibov, M.Musayev and others carried out works in organisation and development of biological and medical sciences, created a number of research institutes and scientific schools in various spheres, as well as layed the foundation for new scientific spheres.
He underlined that during the past period institutes, which are part of this section of ANAS and scientific enterprises functioning under the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic, have jointly carried out research works. He also underscored that the activities are implented in the direction of application of innovation ideas in the of scientific and organisationalactivity of ANAS, as well as raising of the level scientific and research works.
Academician A.Amiraslanov highlighted that researches were carried out in various spheres of the biological and medical sciences in Azerbaijan, including the directions of physiological, biophysical and genetic foundations of productivity processes, mocelular mechanisms of resistance to the stress factors, research, protection and efficient useof biodiversity, microbial ecology and biochemistry, soil ecology, classification and power soil, analysis and synthetic activity of brains of vertebrates, locomotor system (musculoskeletal system) of humans, diagnostics, prevention and methods of complex treatment of malignant tumors in soft tissues and certain internal organs. A number of important scientific achievements were attained, according to the speaker.
The academician-secretary made a presentation about scientific results obtained in various directions in the spheres of studyof flora and fauna, genetics, selection, molecular biology and biotechnologies, physiology, microbiology, soil science, agricultural chemistry and medicine during the passed period of time, as well as scientific results obtained in various directions and international scietific cooperation relations of this department of ANAS.
He highlighted that researches will be held in the creation of new plant varieties, human genetics and genomics, prenatal and neonatal diagnosis of hereditary diseases, stem cell technology, physiological and molecular and genetic researches of longevity and neurodegenerativediseases, exploring new methods treatments through the use of new technologiesand in other directions.
All these will be reached further to priorities brought forward by President Ilham Aliyev through study by new technologies of biodiversity, soil and water reserves, preparation and use of fundamental basics of new molecular and cell biotechnologies, use of plant expression systemsin the sphere of biological and medical sciences in the upcoming years in Azerbaijan, as well as through use of creation of technologies for the production of pharmaceutical products and preparation of medicines, reading all genomes and exomes in plants, molecular and genome selection opportunities.
Academician Amiraslanov also provided a detailed insight into activities held at the country and international levels through decisions of Presidium within the frameworks of state programmes approved by the head of the state.
The Presidium members discussed the report by after its adoption. The above mentioned perspective directions were accepted by the DBMS for its future activity.
In addition the academician-secretary gave assignments for the preparation of multidisciplinary programmes and projects, coordination and provision of integration of scientific researches, as well as preparation of master and doctoral researchers in the perspective directions.
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