On October 22, 2021, the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the Genetic Resources Institute organized the field seminar dedicated to the Great Victory Day on "Organizational issues in restoration of the infrastructure of the Karabakh scientific-research base of the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS and the organization of seed production of wheat varieties and barley for the region” in the Shikharkh settlement of Terter region.
Chairman of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, vice-president of ANAS, academician Irada Huseynova and head of the executive power of the Terter region Mustakim Mammadov greeted the participants of the seminar. They honored the memory of the martyrs with a minute of silence, and the participants continued their seminar in accordance with the quarantine rules.
Academician Irada Huseynova said that this event, dedicated to the Great Victory Day, should be held as a continuation of the events held in the country since September at the state level in various institutions, including ANAS. She prayed for the peace of the martyrs' souls, wished health to the veterans and all participants of the Great Patriotic War and success to the scientific community of Azerbaijan, every researcher and every employee of the relevant departments, who wish to contribute to scientific research.
The participants of the event were the Head of the Executive Power of the Terter region and other officials, employees of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, academicians, corresponding members of ANAS, the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS and employees of the scientific and experimental bases of Sheki, Agdash, Tovuz, Karabakh, officials of the Ministry agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and scientists of the the Terter RES of Research Institute of Husbandry, heads of private companies and organizations Agro Dairy and HHgroup Agroservis, and related organizations with the agricultural sector of the Terter region, as well as representatives of the media.
At the field seminar, the vice-president of ANAS, academician Irada Huseynova made her presentation on the prospects for the development of agrarian science in the Karabakh and East Zangezur economic regions, Mustakim Mammadov on the support of scientific research in the liberated territories of the Terter region, General Director of the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, Corresponding Member of ANAS Zeynal Akparov on the restoration, research opportunities and prospects of the Karabakh research base, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Corresponding Member of ANAS Ibrahim Jafarov on the restoration of research relations between the Karabakh research base and ASAU, Head of the Research Department of Scientific Innovations of the Agrarian Innovation Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Javanshir Talai on the role of modern innovations in the creation of competitive varieties, Head of the Department of the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, Phd in biology, Associate Professor Khanbala Rustamov and Head of the Department of the Research Institute of Husbandry Ministry of Agriculture, Leading Researcher at the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, Phd in agrarian sciences, Associate Professor Abidin Abdullayev on the role of cereals breeding and seed production in ensuring food security in the Karabakh economic region.
After the presentations, discussions on the topics continued.
Academician Garib Mammadov, Corresponding Member of ANAS Ibrahim Azizov, Executive Director of Agro Dairy LLC Vahid Hajiyev took part in the discussions.
The participants of the seminar were get acquainted with with the exhibition samples of varieties of wheat created for the Karabakh region in accordance with the Program in 2005-2021, and then for the first time in 30 years, autumn sowing was started. At the end of the event, pines and plane trees, grown on the official territory of the Genetic Resources Institute were planted.