At the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, exams for postgraduates in "Breeding of fruit plants", "Diseases and pests of cereal and leguminous plants" and "Genomics" were held. The exams took place on January 18.
The exams were taken by members of the examination board, created at the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, subject teachers (Ph.D. in agricultural sciences, associate professor Mirza Musaev, Ph.D. in biological sciences Eldar Mustafayev, Ph.D. in biological sciences
Sevda Babaeva).
Vice-President of ANAS, Chairman of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Academician Irada Huseynova also joined the exam in genomics. Academician Irada Huseynova was interested in the course of the exams and exchanged views on the research work of the postgraduates. She noted that she became familiar with all the exam questions in advance and that most of the subjects were well compiled. Academician Irada Huseynova emphasized the high level of organization of master's education at the Genetic Resources Institute, highly appreciated the activities of the management and education department of the institute, wished success to the teaching staff and postrgraduates, and made recommendations on teaching in connection with research. The postgraduates have successfully passed the exams. The next exams will take place on January 22, 2021.