Jamala Mursalova is a PhD student of Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, she is carrying out research about drought tolerance of winter wheat and awarded INTERDROUGHT-IV Conference and the Master Class on "Adaptation to Drought" from the Caucuses region, which conduct every 4 years. InterDrought-IV is a major international Conference to debate key issues relevant for increasing the yield and stability of crops under drought conditions by genetic and crop management and world’s top drought researchers will converge there. The Master Class and Interdrought Conference will held in University of Western Australia, Murdoch University and the Department of Agriculture WA (DAFWA) from August 27 until September 6. The main goal of INTERDROUGHT-IV is to explore the possibilities of scientific and technological applications to crop improvement and crop management under drought-prone farming by linking progress made at the molecular level to that at the whole plant and crop levels in the field. Her bursary comes from sponsorship to the Conference by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome and to the Master Class by the Crawford Fund.