An event dedicated to the 95th anniversary of outstanding ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was held in the Central Scientific Library of ANAS on April 30.
Presidet of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about the contribution of outstanding scientist Zarifa Aliyeva to the development of the medical science of Azerbaijan, especially its less developed ophthalmology.
Academician A.Alizadeh noted that thousands of patients were treated with handsome hands of Zarifa Aliyeva, who introduced the Azerbaijani ophthalmology worldwide. She was a well-deserved scientist and well-known public figure and she was a caring mother. Zarifa Aliyeva, who was born in the family of prominent statesman Aziz Aliyev, played an important role in the lives of two presidents, who are an important place in the history of modern Azerbaija, the speaker underlined.
At the end of his speech, the head of ANAS underscored that the memory of Zarifa Aliyeva, who gave light to the eyes, the joy of life, will never be erased from the memory of our people.
Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov spoke about the rich life, pedagogical and medical activity of prominent ophthalmologist Zarifa Aliyeva and emphasized the importance of her contribution to Azerbaijani health.
Zarifa Aliyeva's philosophy of life, spirituality, services in the development of ophthalmology science is rich and multifaceted A. Amiraslanov emphasized.
Later, director of the National Center for Ophthalmology named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva, correspondent member of ANAS Elmar Gasimovspoke about the outstanding role of prominent academician in the development of the 20th century Azerbaijani medical science.
The directions of scientific activity of Zarifa Aliyeva have not lost their relevance and are very useful for modern ophthalmologists. Today's development of Azerbaijani ophthalmology is connected with the name of Zarifa khanim from the scientific and scientific point of view and is part of its scientific directions. She has introduced Azerbaijani ophthalmology all over the world, Gasimov said.
Vice-President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli, Director of the Institute of Physiology, Ph.D. Ulduz Hashimova and master of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies Gulnar Abdullayeva spoke about Zarifa Aliyeva's rich scientific heritage and high human qualities.
At the end of the conference, a film about life and activity of prominent scientist was demonstrated.
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