In accordance with the Decree of ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh ANAS will be organized competition "Master of 2018" on May and June of this year.
The main goal of the competition is an even greater improvement in learning of Magistracy degree of ANAS, supporting scientific advances and increase creativity of undergraduates, promotion of talented young people, have shown good results in education and research activities are characterized by their intelligence and abilities.
The competition will be attended by students enrolled in the first and second of ANAS of Magistracy courses. As a result, three undergraduates will be awarded for each course, which showed the best results. Each of the winners will be awarded a diploma and a corresponding cash prize:
I place - 1,500 AZN;
II place - 1,000 AZN;
III place - 500 AZN.
To participate at the competition, the application form filled in the established order (applications must be approved by the head of the department and the scientific secretary of the corresponding institute) should be submitted together with the cover letter of the director of the institute to the Office Science and Education of ANAS Presidium until April 13, 2018.
It should be noted that, the acceptance of applications will be carried out after placing the announcement and conditions of the contest.
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