Presidium of ANAS held a next bureau assembly of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) on February 28.
Event attended by Academician-Secretary of the Division, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, members of the bureau, heads of scientific institutions and organizations, members of the department, as well as representatives of the Oncological Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University.
In advance, Academician-Secretary of the Division Academician Ahliman Amirlaslanov informed on the issues of agenda.
Further, were held discussions related to the decisions of the Presidium of ANAS "On the competition for the Gold Medal after Nizami Ganjavi of the Republic of Azerbaijan" and "On the announcement of the competition for the competition of nominal premiums of ANAS". Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov recalled that, the contests for the award of nominees and the Gold Medal for 2018 were announced by the Presidium decision of January 31, 2018. The speaker stressed that the candidates for the prizes can be nominated by the full members and corresponding members of the Academy, the scientific departments of ANAS, the scientific councils of scientific research institutions and higher educational institutions, scientific societies, scientific and technical councils functioning under the ministries and state committees of the republic.
At the event, the research plans of the scientific institutions of the department for 2018 were discussed.
The next decision of the department was made by the Scientific Councils of the Institute of Dendrology and the Central Botanical Garden, and some changes were made to the structure of the Institute of Genetic Resources.
At a meeting of the relevant decisions have been taken in connection with the 90th anniversary of academician Vahid Hajiyev, the 80th anniversary of the deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of Genetic Resources, Doctor of Biological Sciences Naib Aminov, the 70th jubilee of the Head of the Applied Zoology Center of the Institute of Zoology, Ph.D. in Biology Barat Ahmadov and Chief Scientific Officer of the Laboratory of Vertebrate land of the same Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences Sujaddin Guliev.
The event also discussed the results of admission to doctoral and PhD students in the scientific institutions of the department for 2017/2018.
In conclusion, a number of personnel issues were considered.
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