By decision of ANAS Presidium for the purpose of preparation, selection and financing of research programs has been announced a republican contest for 2018-2020.
Preparing the programs submitted for the competition, the tendencies in the development of science and technology in the world should be taken into account in the following scientific areas, and, as a multidisciplinary and integrated nature, programs should be aimed at solving urgent problems of fundamental and applied science, including socioeconomic and cultural development of the country and increase its defense capacity:
In the field of physical and mathematical and technical sciences:
- Electronic spectra of the boundary and volume of Dirac materials for photonics and plasmonics; physical systems for the implementation of quantum computing under normal conditions;
- Subwave grating thin-layer systems for particle detectors and plasmonics;
- Innovative physical methods for oil characterization;
- Intelligent systems for monitoring and analysis of natural, industrial and economic processes;
- Mathematical theory of optimal control, functional spaces, neural networks and their application;
- Intelligent information and communication technologies.
In the field of chemical sciences:
- Creation of new substances with unique properties - inorganic and polymeric materials, catalysts;
- Development and modeling of high-tech new technological processes in the field of petrochemistry and oil refining;
- Preparation of polymer nanogels for new physiologically active organic compounds and immobilization of medicinal substances.
In the field of Earth Sciences:
- 3D geodynamic computer models of the Caucasus-Caspian region;
- The physical area of the Earth, the space-time anomalies, their nature and environmental problems;
- Hydrocarbon systems of great depths and mud volcanism;
- Historical geography and ethnos of the Turkic world;
- Transformation of the environment of the Republic of Azerbaijan against the background of modern climate changes.
In the field of biological and medical sciences:
- Molecular basis of the activity of living systems;
- Biodiversity: the fundamental basis for monitoring, assessing and managing the modern state;
- Investigation of the physiological and molecular genetic basis of diseases and longevity; application of high technologies in reproductive medicine, new methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as preparation of medicines.
In the humanities:
- Ways of enriching the Azerbaijani language in the period of independence: problems and prospects;
- Historical dynamics of development of Azerbaijani literature and art and prospects of multicultural processes;
- Computer models of periodization of Azerbaijani literature and art;
- Mental psychology in the samples of Azerbaijani literature written in different languages: algorithms and literary positions;
- The role of literature and art in spiritual and aesthetic education;
- Informational-analytical and theoretical study of the problems of multiculturalism.
In the field of social sciences:
- Azerbaijan at the crossroads of different cultures: stages, problems and prospects;
- The collapse of the Soviet empire and the formation of a new world;
- Economy of Azerbaijan: principles of formation and prospects of development.
The leaders of the research programs submitted to the competition can be actual members and corresponding members of ANAS.
In the implementation of scientific research programs, scientists and specialists of ANAS, as well as other scientific institutions and higher educational institutions can take part.
The term of scientific research programs should not exceed three years.
The annual estimated cost of the program should not exceed 200,000 (two hundred thousand) manat.
Research programs should be compiled in accordance with the established form (download here) and submitted in duplicate together with an electronic version to the Office of Science and Education (Baku, Istiglaliyyat St., 30, room 502) of ANAS until February 10 every day from 10:00 to 17:00 hours (except on Saturdays and Sundays).
Phone: (+994 12) 492 59 45
E-mail: eti@science.az
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