An international conference on "New technologies in medicine: stem cells, robotic surgery" was held in the Central Scientific Library of ANAS.
The event has been co-organized by Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ANAS, Turkish Liberty Hospital and İstinye University.
Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov said that the main purpose of the event was to share knowledge and experience of Turkish scientists in this field.
Scholar emphasized that stem cells were used as a treatment method in recent years, and in all areas of medicine - oncology, blood diseases, and black and white lung pathology. Azerbaijani scientists have been carrying out researches in this field together with their Turkish counterparts and given relevant proposals to the Ministry of Health, A. Amiraslanov lined out.
Later, Professor Erdal Karaöz, spoke about the history of his organization. He said that the hospital was established in 2015 and has succeeded in many areas over the past two years.
He then presented his report on "Stem Cells and Its Application in Medicine." Scientist said that the application of stem cells is the biggest achievement of medicine in recent years and that research has been carried out in Turkey for 17 years. Cells that did not fulfill their function normally or died were treating the disease through new cells injected outside the body, emphasized E. Karaoz.
The reporter said that stem cells were obtained from the embryonic and mature stem cells in the mother's womb. He said that experiments were carried out on animals and stem cells were obtained by cloning. Professor said today that stem cells have been used to treat cancer, organ failure, Parkinson's, backbone injuries, nerve injuries, stroke, kidney and other diseases.
He said they would provide necessary support for the establishment of the center in Azerbaijan.
The conference continued with its plenary sessions under the leadership of correspondent member of ANAS Nuru Bayramov and Erdal Karaöz. Professor of the Institute of Physiology of ANAS, professor Ahmed Hajiyev made a speech on "The Role of Stem Cells in Neurodegenerative Diseases", Professor of Azerbaijan Medical University Nuru Bayramov and Aynur Safiyeva on "Diagnostic and Prognostic Role of Stem Cells in Colorectal Polyps" and etc.