Further to article 5.2 of regulations of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS),active members (academicians) of ANAS are selected from ANAS corresponding members, who are citizens of Azerbaijan Republic, carry out wide researches in scientific directions, enrich science with new knowledge and establish scientific schools.
Corresponding members of ANAS are selected from Azerbaijan Republic’scitizens, who have great services in development of science and enrich it with valuable researches.
In accordance with “Regulations about ANAS members and election of its governing bodies”, active and corresponing members of ANAS on specialities specified in advertised schedules,as well as scientific councils of scientific and higher education institutes have the right to nominate candidates to active and corresponding membership of ANAS.
Below documents (in two sets) of candidates to ANAS membershipmust be presented to the Commission established by a decision of the ANAS Presidium during 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the press as follows:
• relevant decision or nomination of candidates to the ANAS active and corresponding membership;
• written biography;
• personal card from HR records;
• list of scientific works;
• copies of diplomas on higher education, Ph.D., doctor of science and attestat about professorship;
• characteristics from main workplace;
• 3 photos (size: 4x6).
The documents are accepted every day from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. (except week-ends)at the following address:
Baku, H.Javidprospekti 115, Akademic settlement, Main building of ANAS
Tel: (+994 12) 539-30-60, 537-23-97
Presidium of ANAS