Climate changes and underground waters have been discussed at the meeting of Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
Today the DBMS held anext bureau meeting.
First academician-secretary of the department, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov familiarized the participants with issues in the agenda. Participants of the event listened to a scientific report of Director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Dr.Alovsat Guliyev titled “Climate changes and issues of use of underground water in Azerbaijan”.
Dr.Alovsat Guliyev provided an insight into climate changes and their reasons during last years.
He highlighted that as a result of temperature increase, 3,000,000,000 people in the world will facea water problem by 2030 and environmental problems will arise in a number of complications.
He emphasized that more complicated results of the climate changes in Azerbaijan will take place in Nakhchivan.
Dr.Alovsat Guliyev highlighted that Kur and Araz rivers provide 75 per cent of Azerbaijan’s water reserves. Because these rivers are polluted in Armenia and Georgia, the water reserves in the country reduce.
“Solution to the problem is the restoration of underground watersupplies, which are environmentally pure and possess high potential”, said the scientist. He noted that there was need to restore and protect water reservoirs, which remain unused during many years. He underscored the fact that Azerbaijan is ranked 4th in the world, according to the use of underground waters.
Then participants of the meeting discussed an award of the President of Azerbaijan Republic for Youth in 2016 and issues connected with order “On approval of National Strategy for 2017-2020 relevant to the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in Azerbaijan Republic”.
During discussion of the scientific and organisational issues some structural amendmentswere realized and decision on establishment of new departments was taken. After it, they reviewed a number of personnel issues.