“Civil defence training of leadership” has been held at the Genetic Resources Institute (GRI) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The Institute’s leadership, heads of departments, chiefs of non-military civil defence forces along with the personnel jointly participated in the training.
Chair of the Emergency Situations Commission, Deputy Director on scientific work Dr.Naib Eminov opened the event with address. He drew the attention to the importance of the civil defence measures, organisation of people protection during the emergency situations, as well as prompt and operative emergency management. He also noted about possible heavy consequences in case of time loss in such situations.
Then chief of staff of the civil defence Mr.Eldar Asadov acquainted the event participants with the purpose and questions of the training.He told about possible emergency situations, a civil defence plan and learning about own professional duties according to this plan. He also provided detailed answers in connection with the subject.
The management organisation skillswere tested according to the emergency management bodies and forces’“Warning” scheme. He also made relevant recommendations in connection with the emergency management organisation.
Head of Department of Physiology Mr.Ramiz Aliyev, head of Department of Technology Mr.Hamlet Sadigov and head of Department of Vegetable and Gardening Crops Mr.Sabir Hasanov made addresses in connection with the training.
Presentation on fire safety and fire fighting tools to be used depending on the type of fire were demonstrated at the event.
At the end of the event, relevant instructions on the civil defence preparation were given.