Deputy Director on scientific work of the Genetic Resources Institute (GRI) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), head of Department on Biotechnology, PhD in Biology Dr. Mehraj Abbasov has been on scientific trip in the United States of America during 3 months.
He conducted researches in the Genomics Laboratory of the Department of Plant Pathology of North Dakota State University in USA.
As part of this scientific trip he,using the next-generation sequencing technology (Ion Torrent), studied sequence-based genotyping (SBG) and multi-primerparallel sequencing methodfor holding researches at the genome level. Furthermore, he prepared instructions in Azerbaijani language.
In addition to it, he mastered the technique for holding experiences with KASP (Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR) markersusing the Real-Time PCR System.
For the first time during the research held, a new panel was prepared after making 830 primer designs covering the wheat genome and the genetic diversity of 170 diploid samples(Triticum monococcum, T.urartu, T.boeoticum), 178 hard samples (T.durum) and 172 soft samples (T.aestivum)of wheat stored at the National Genebank of GRI, ANAS, were exploredby multi-primer parallel sequencing methods.
Also, using a 365 primer panel prepared by the Genomics Laboratory of North Dakota State University, genetic identification of 86 varieties of wild (Hordeum spontaneum) and 85 varieties of cultivated (H.vulgare) barley of Azerbaijan’s origin was carried out and 780 SNPswere found.
During a joint expedition of Professor Bikram Gill and Dr.John Raupp from Kansas State University, USA and GRI scientists (Professor Naib Eminov and PhD in Biology Dr. Mehraj Abbasovin 2012, 88 samples of Aegilops genus collected in Azerbaijan and Georgia were sequence-based genotyped and 1,250 SNPs were identified.
Genetic passportization of the researched Aegilops and wheat samples with 24 SSR markers was carried out. For the first time 172 samples of the soft wheat stored at the National Genebank were screened according to special KASP Markers of 11 genes .
The following genes were found in the below number of samples as follows: Lr34 gene in 16 samples, GluD1genein 1 sample, FHB gene located in 3 B chromosome in 1 sample and FHBgene located in 5 A chromosome in 48 samples.
UNEAK, GATK and SAMtools softwares were studied in order to carry out bioinformative analysis of the obtained results from the next generation sequencing machines, while Darvin, Structure, Mega-6 and Tassel softwares were learned for making the biostatistical analysis.
Dr. M. Abbasov held discussions and agreed to coordinate joint participation in researches held by theGenomics laboratory of theDepartment on Biotechnology at the GRI, ANAS and by the same name laboratory of the Department of Plant Pathology of North Dakota State University, joint preparation of masters and doctoral students, as well as participation in international and local grants.
The scientific trip was carried out within the frameworks of the Fulbright Program of the US State Department.