An employee of the Genetic Resources Institute (GRI) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, doctor of philosophy in Biology AyazMamedovhas been on business trip during 5 days in Italy. He participated in the 9th session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the AnimalGenetic Resources at the headquarters of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome.
The main purpose of the business trip was the integration of the system of animal genetic variety information into the web based statistical system at the FENIX platform (DAD-IS), acquaintance with the Demo version of the new website, discussion of several documents connected with genetic resources of the domesticanimals and preparation of the final report.
A.Mammadov actively participated in discussion of the documents prepared by the regional working group: “Implementation and update of the Global Action Plan on the Animal Genetic Resources”, “Financing Strategy for implementation of the Global Action Plan on the Animal Genetic Resources”, “Benefit of joint use and accessibilityof Animal Genetic Resources” during the first two days of the event. The next three days he was involved in the duscussions of the general meeting.
At the end of the event the report prepared by the Intergovernmental Working Group was discussed and adopted. During the business trip A.Mammadov held meetings with several high level officials of the Animal Genetic Resources Division of the FAO and discussed the opportunities of further strengthening of cooperation relations between the Genetic Resources Institute and the relevant organisations of the FAO.