Problem of food security in new economic conditions was discussed at the next meeting at the Presidium of ANAS on March 2. A teleconference was organized between the Nakhchivan and Ganja branches of ANAS at the event attended by scientists and specialists working in the sphere of agriculture in districts of the republic.
Director of the Genetic Resources Institute (GRI), corresponding member of ANAS Zeynal Akparov made a report “The problem of food security in new economic conditions and the role of science in its resolution” at the event. He brought into the insight the current state of the agriculture in the Republic, problems and their solution ways.
Zeynal Akparov said that scientifically based land reforms carried out by national leader Heydar Aliyev played an important role in the development of agriculture in the republic. He added that President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues this policy and determines the provision of the food safety as one of the main goals.
Corresponding member of ANAS noted that production of agricultural products last year increased 48.8 per cent in comparison with 2004 and this must be considered a valuable contribution to the development of the non-oil sector.
The Institute Director stressed that the share of the agricultural sphere in the non-oil sector in Azerbaijan is big. “The current state of import and export in the non-oil sector shows that there wide opportunities for developing agricultural sphere. The dynamics of increase of agricultural production mainly depend on bringing the scientific provision of the agriculture to the level of the world standards, attracting investments and using modern technologies”, he added.
The scientist said that Azerbaijan is a country with little amount of land. He highlighted that with putting the Takhtakorpu, Shamkirchay and Tovuzchay water reservoirs into exploitation the inclusion of new land plots into use will have great importance for the country.
He stressed the importance of preparing the precise maps through the comprehensive evaluation of land resources in the republic including lands subjected to the erosion and salting with applying new technologies to lands repeatedly included in the sowing circulation, and through determination of new land plots suitable for sowing.
The reporter noted that organic left-overs and household garbage is measured with million tons in the republic. He brought into the insight that the Institute of Agrochemistry and Soil by using progressive technologies prepares complex organic and organic-mineral fertilizers. The Institute continues researches in this sphere.
He suggested to raise the issue connected with reinforcing activity on organization of wide industrial production of newly created fertilizers before relevant organisations.
Dr.Akparov said that the national genefund of the country uses fully studied materials in the selection work. He highlighted that the genetic fund collected at the National Genebank is duly protected and samples are studied with the most modern methods.
The scientist stressed that use of gene engineering, IT, cybernetics and agro-biotechnological methods in researches are the requirements of the time. He noted that certain works have been carried out in this sphere taking into account the international experience, the first Genomics Laboratory was established in the region and preparation of the personnel was strengthened.
He emphasized that they started to decode the whole genome and find genes resistant to various environment and stress factors by use of the new generation of sequencers.
Zeynal Akparov touched the current problem in the sphere of selection and seed-growing. He brought forward proposals to eliminate them. “New strategy of the selection and selection of the main plants must be carried out through preparation of the expedient state programs according to the interests of the state and requirements of the market. The use of biotechnological, molecular, marker based and genome level selection methods is important for thecreation of highly productive, resistant, competitive varieties, forms and hybrids of priority food plants based on the mentioned strategy and programs. In order to create opportunities for selecting highly productive sorts the system of state test of varieties must be improved and all land-climate conditions covered. One of the main conditions of getting a quality product is to correctly organize the seed-growing work on the scientific basis”, he said.
Zeynal Akparov also stressed the necessity of study of the modern cultivation technologies and irrigation systems, adaptation and wide use in local conditions for getting abundant and high quality product of the created varieties and hybrids.
He highlighted that in his speeches President Ilham Aliyev connected the success of large farms with participation of fundamental and applied sciences. The scientist said that the opportunities of application of modern cultivation technologies and irrigation systems in large farms are great.
He noted in the report that “Khizi” Agro Production Complex of ANAS carries out sample agro production projects in various districts of the republic.
Creation of the modern Agro-park covering all spheres of agricultural sector is being planned at the basis of this farm.
The Institute Director underlined the necessity in the National Space Information Infrastructure of the System of Electronic Land-Survey Registration of Lands created to the end of complete digitalization of lands by using modern information technologies for developing agriculture as required by present time.
He noted that an interactive digital expert system, which will collect complex information about knowledge, analysis, maps, land surveys and modern technologies about land, water and plants must be created.
Zeynal Akparov stressed the necessity of building capacity for renovation of scientific and research institutes, implementation of planned modernization and holding of molecular and genetic researches for achieving serious progress in the sphere of agricultural science.
He noted that one part of means directly spent for production must be directed at learning technologies and preparation of personnel. Necessary attention must be spent to biotechnology, food engineering and IT teaching, which greatly contribute to the food security in the world.
The scientist highlighted that the creation of the science-education-experience system as the most important factor in the increase of the competition in the agriculture must be one of the most important goals.
The report was welcomed by the decision of the Presidium after question and answer session and discussions.
In connection with the transition to a new advanced economic model, it was decided to raise the issue before the competent organisations in connection with creation of the Scientific Advisory Council with participation of well-known scientistsnear the President of the Republic and modern Agricultural Park covering all spheres of the agro-business sector.
Also, it is considered expedient to organize the wide industrial production of organic and organic-mineral fertilizers by ANAS institutes, use of learned international experience in the preparation of master and doctoral students of ANAS to the end of strengthening personnel potential in the rural sphere and expansion of relations with relevant faculties of higher education institutions of the country.
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