As known, with the purpose to shove development of agriculture and accelerate its modernization, to provide systematic and complex approach to state-of-the-art solutions of agriculture, efficiently involve governmental financial and administrative resources to this sector, to promote agrarian capacity of the country, the year of 2015 was declared “Year of agriculture" by AR President’s order dated January 12, 2015.
Chain of measures is being taken by AR Ministry of Agriculture on the execution of decree.
On May 2, Gabala region hosted for international event devoted to “Field days” which widely used in the world practice.
Embracing latest innovations and opportunities the international event was attended by 50 domestic and foreign companies, including almost 3000 delegates.
“Field days” demonstrated planting and cultivation technologies of products, obtained achievements, results of scientific researches, technology, equipment, fertilizer, pesticides and other potential opportunities for collaboration.
Noted that, "Field days” for the first time in Azerbaijan is important. Key goal is bring together producers and exporters in addition of providing latest technologies and opportunities. Technology for agrarian sector and industrial innovations are preferred.
The open-air exhibition was attended by Institutes of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Genetic Resources, Erosion and Irrigation and Petrochemical Processes of ANAS. 0.30 hectares of the 0.40 hectares land allocated to ANAS provided economic-production fulfillments via ecological farming methods, while left 0.10 hectares area provided production- economic performance by means of "Azofos" nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. Scientists carried out sowing of Sultan peas, Sevinj beans, Zagatala corn 68, as well as seeds of improved maize in the usual and ozoneizing methods.
Fulfillments conducted by ANAS were executed by co-organization of General Department of ANAS and Innovation division of the Presidium Administration.
Within the project, during April-October months, each entrepreneur who engaged in agriculture will be able to exhibit his planting, growing and harvesting work products within 6 months in the 28 hectares of land. In addition, companies engaged in agricultural techniques and equipment will present their own.
Event attendees were acquainted with the exhibition of agricultural products, plants, pesticides, agricultural machinery, fertilizers, food, juices and drinks, laboratory equipment, animal and plant products. Model of Guba "Farm House" that will be established in the country for the first time was featured. Being pilot project “Farm houses" will be established in all regions of the republic in future. Farmers will be able to find a solution to the problems faced by in these houses. There are farmers will be given certain tips to assistance.
Finally, guests inspected the livestock complex.
Event was attended by governmental organizations, foreign embassies, representatives of public associations and entrepreneurs working in the agricultural sector, as well as representatives of the Innovation Division of the ANAS Presidium Administration and relevant institutions.