20:07, 31.08.2017
European experience of planning and management of technology parks is being studied


On August 28, within the framework of cooperation with Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), was started a training seminar at the High Technologies Park (HTP) by the staff of the technical support and information exchange program TAIEX of the European Union.

The seminar, conducted by the specialists of the Technopark "Lublana" in Slovenia is devoted to the topic "Planning and management of technology parks".

The purpose of the seminar is to study the experience of the European Union in the field of development and management of technology parks. In the 4-day training seminar, participants will get acquainted with traditional and modern models of innovation management and modern technologies.

During the trainings, discussions will be held on scientific and technological parks, the traditional role of business incubators, the history of development and trends in technology parks, innovations, the commercialization of science, and so on. The seminar will touch on the theme "Traditional LEAN approach" - "Minimalist" approach"in extending support to scientific and technological parks".

The main topics of the training include "A Look at the Minimalist Methodology for the Development of the Activity of Scientific and Technological Parks", "Application of the Minimalist Methodology in Practice", etc.

At the event, Director of the High Technologies Park of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy in Agrarian Sciences Vugar Babayev spoke about the importance of developing experience in managing innovations and technologies in our country. He also noted the importance of studying the world experience in this area with a view to strengthening international relations.

The training was attended by representatives of several government agencies, universities, technology parks operating in the country.





