Akparov Zeynal Iba oglu
Place of Birth |
Azerbaijan, Jalilabad district, village Privolny
Date of Birth | 28.09.1952 | |
Education | Azerbaijan Agriculture Institute | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Agricultural Sciences | |
Title | ||
PhD thesis:
- specialty code
- specialty name - topic name |
Plant physiology Photosynthetic activity enabling high and qualitative yield in soybean |
Doctoral thesis:
- specialty code
- specialty name - topic name |
Breeding and seed production
Studying and utilization in breeding of plant genetic resources of Azerbaijan
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date
- specialty name |
Total number of scientific publications
170 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad
80 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases
25 | |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents
5 | |
Staff training:
- number of PhD
- number of Doctor of sciences
Main scientific achievements | As a result of scientific expeditions a new barley specie (Hordeum aegiceras (Nees ex Royle) was revealed for Caucasus flora. Areals were adjusted, the threat of extinction was confirmed, scientific recommendations were prepared for the protection of a number of rare and endangered species;
Photosynthesis properties that enable high and qualitative yield depending on varietal characteristics and mineral nutrition in soybean was determined; The structure of the system with high photosynthetic capacity was determined by studying photosynthesis properties in intensive and extensive genotypes; According to the difference in photosynthetic traits among genotypes the existence of interaction among them and the role of different organs in overall photosynthetic capacity were determined, In favorable conditions according to the proportional increase of indices of photosynthetic traits in intensive varieties the possibility of association of them in one genotype was clarified; Intensive cultivation technology enabling to obtain high yields in soybean in irrigated conditions was developed; Morphological and physiological parameters in soybean, peanut, pea and lentil varieties which were high productive, well adapted to natural climatic conditions of the republic and had high indices for complex valuable traits were determined and optimal models were created. He is a coauthor of 6 realized plant varieties. Donor-acceptor peculiarities of varieties with different seed production were determined. Genetic source of plant material differed for high resistance, high seed productivity and quality and other agronomic traits of agricultural interest was selected and their use in breeding as a promising forms was recommended. Model schemes enabling coordination and direction of scientific activities in Azerbaijan on PGR, as well as providing optimal solutions for their protection and sustainable use were created; New taxonomy of PGR was prepared; New methodologies were recommended on protection strategies of rare and endangered species; Scientific basis for functional diagnostics of viability potential and genetic prognosis of durability in genebank accessions was developed; Universal experimental models for conservation of genebank accessions were created and quantitative criteria have been developed.
Names of scientific works | 1. Əliyev C.Ə., Əkpərov Z.İ., Nəbiyev M.H. Azərbaycanda suvarma şəraitində soyanın becərilməsi, Azərnəşr, Bakı, 1982, 54 s. (kitabça)
2. Алиев Дж.А., Акперов З.И. Фотосинтез и урожай сои. Москва: Издат.Ком. «Родник», 1995, 126 с. 3. Frese L., Akparov Z., Burenin V., Arjmand M. and Hajiyev V. Plant exploration in the Talysch Mountains // Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, Roma, No.126, 2001, p.21-26 4. Əkpərov Z.İ. Soya əkinlərinin quruluşu, fotosintez əlamətləri və məhsuldarlıq // AMEA-nın Xəbərləri (biologiya elmləri seriyası), N1-6, "Elm", Bakı, 2002, s.421-429 5. Əliyev C.Ə., Əkpərov Z.İ. Azərbaycanın bitki genetik ehtiyatları // AMEA-nın Xəbərləri, Biologiya Elmləri Seriyası, Bakı, 2002, N 1-6, səh. 57-68. 6. Əliyev C.Ə., Əkpərov Z.İ., Məmmədov H.İ. Araxisin becərilməsi. "Elm", Bakı, 2004, 29 s. 7. Akparov Z.I., Khidirova E. Following Almond Footprints in Azerbaijan // In: Following Almond Footprints (Amygdaluscommunis L.), a publication of the International Society for Horticultural Science, Rome, 2006, p. 24-28 8. Əkpərov Z.İ., Məmmədov H.İ. Yerfındığının sort nümunələrinin morfofizioloji xüsusiyyətləri və məhsuldarlığı // AMEA-nın Xəbərləri (biologiya elmləri seriyası), N1-2, Bakı: “Elm”, 2007, s. 109-117. 9. Акперов З.И., Мамедов А.Т. Информационная система по генетическим ресурсам растений Азербайджана // Ж-л «Современные проблемы науки и образовани», Moskva, 2007, № 6, с.9-13. 10. Əkpərov Z.İ. Biomüxtəlifliyin mühafizəsinin mənəvi-etik problemləri // Dirçəliş, XXI əsr, N124-125, Bakı, 2008, 369-374. 11. Əliyev C.Ə., Əkpərov Z.İ., Məmmədov A.T. Bioloji Müxtəliflik. Bakı: “Elm” nəşriyyatı, 2008, 232 s. 12. Əkpərov Z.İ. Bitki genetik ehtiyatlarının mühafizəsinin elmi əsasları. Bakı: “Təknur”, 2009, 123 s. 13. Əkpərov Z.İ., Əsgərov A.M. Üçbölümlü arpa (Hordeum aegiceras Neesex Royle) Qafqaz florası üçün yeni növdür // AMEA-nın məruzələri, Bakı, 2009, LXV cild, N6, s.95-97. 14. Babayeva S., Akparov Z., Abbasov M. et al. Diversity analysis of Central Asia and Caucasian lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm using SSR fingerprinting // Genet Resour Crop Evol., 2009, 56:293–298 15. Акпаров З.И., Аскеров А.М., Мамедовa Р.Б., Кадыров И.Г., Мамедов А.Т. Редкие и исчезающие дикие сородичи культурных растений флоры Абшерона и Кобустана // Бюллетень Никитского ботанического сада, 2009, Вып. 99, с. 26-30 16. Акпаров З.И. Агроэкологические проблемы и агрообио¬разнообразие сельскохозяйственных систем // Радиологические и агроекологические исследования, Том VI, Тбилиси, 2009, с.82-84 17. Babayeva S.M., Akparov Z.I., Mammadov A.Ch. Genetic Variationin CAC Lentil Germplasm Assessed by Microsatellites (SSRs) // AMEA-nın Məruzələri, Bakı, 2009, №1, s. 88-98. 18. Акперов З.И., Мехтизаде Э.Р., Мамедова С.А. Прогноз гене¬тической долговечности семян // Вестник Российской Академии Сельскохозяйственных Наук, Москва, 2010, № 4, с. 46-48. 19. Акпаров З.И., Мамедов Х.И. Прогностическая модель морфобиологических признаков для высокоурожайных сортов арахиса // Ж-л «Аграрная наука», Moskva, 2010, № 5, 20. Batello C., Avanzato D., Akparov Z., Kartvelishvili T., Melikyan A. Gardens of biodiversity: Conservation and use of genetic resources for food and agriculture in the Southern Caucasus. FAO, Roma, 2010, 363 p. 21. Mustafayev E., Kumari S., Attar N., Akparov Z. Viruses infecting chickpea and lentil crops in Azerbaijan / Australian Plant Pathology, Vol.40, No.6, 2011, 612-620. 22. N.Maxted, Z.Akparov, M.Aronsson et al. Current and Future Threats and Opportunities Facing European Crop Wild relative and Landrace Diversity. Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the Diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces (eds N. Maxted et al.) CAB International 2012. p. 333-353 23. Z.Akparov, Musayev M.K. Diversity of the fruit plant genetic resources in the Azerbaijan / Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops. Davis, California, USA, March 19-23, 2011. Acta Horticulturae 948, ISHS, May 2012, p. 217-221 24. Maghradze D., Bobokashvili Z., Musayev M., Mammadov A. The importance, usage, and prospective of crop wild relatives of fruits, grapevine, and nuts in Georgia and Azerbaijan /Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops. Davis, California, USA, March 19-23, 2011. Acta Horticulturae 948, ISHS, May 2012, p. 33-40 25. Askerova R., Mammadov A. Following Olive Footprints in AZERBAIJAN, The Marvel of Nature // In: "Following Olive Footprints (Olea europaea L.): Cultivation and Culture, Folklore and History, Traditions and Uses", edited by Mohamed El-Kholy, Damiano Avanzato etc. AARINENA, IOC, ISHS (Scripta Horticulturae N. 13), p. 48-57 (internet res.: http://www.aarinena.org/aarinena/Networks/Olive/Book/FOF+BOOK.pdf) 26. Maxted N., Aronsson M., Asdal A., Akparov Z. et al. Current and Future Threats and Opportunities Facing European Crop Wild relative and Landrace Diversity Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the Diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces (eds N. Maxted et al.) CAB International 2012, p. 333-353 27. Musayev M.K. Centuries-old results of cultivation and diversity of genetic resources of grapes in Azerbaijan // “The Mediterrian Genetic Code - Grapevine and Olive”. Edited by D.Poljuha and B.Sladonya. InTech, Croatia, 2013, p.99-123. 28. Mammadova S.A., Mammadov A.T. Mobilization and conservation of the seed pool of plant genetic resources in Azerbaijan // Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, January 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp 26-29 (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS2079059713010024) Original Russian Text published in Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii, 2012, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.655–659. 29. Stephane Decroocq, Amandine Cornille, David Tricon, Sevda Babayeva, Aurelie Chague, Jean-Philippe Eyquard, Raul Karychev, Svetlana Dolgikh, Tatiana Kostritsyna, Shuo Liu, Weisheng Liu, Wenjuan Geng, Kang Liao, Bayram M. Asma, Zeynal Akparov, Tatiana Giraud And Veronique Decroocq. New insights into the history of domesticated and wild apricots and its contribution to Plum pox virus resistance. Molecular Ecology (2016) doi: 10.1111/mec.13772 İmpakt faktor: 5.947 30. Sevinj Nuriyeva, Zeynal Akparov, Elchin Hajiyev, Mehraj Abbasov, Ram C Sharma. Evaluation of wheat genetic resources of Azerbaijan on normal and saline fields. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. Turk J Agric For. (2016) 40: 186-193 İmpakt faktor: 1.311 31. S.J. Salayeva, J.М. Ojaghi, А.N. Pashayeva, V.I. Izzatullayevа, E.M. Akhundova and Z.I. Akparov. Genetic diversity of Vitis vinifera L. In azerbaijan. Russian Journal of Genetics (Springer). Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 391–397, 2016. İmpakt faktor: 0.448 32. E.S. Hajiyev, Z.I. Akparov, R.T Aliyev, S.V. Saidova, V.I. Izzatullayeva, S.M. Babayeva, M.A. Abbasov. Genetic polymorphism of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) accessions of Azerbaijan. Russian Journal of Genetics, 2015, Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 1009–1017. İmpakt faktor: 0.448 33. V.Izzatullayeva, Z.Akparov, S.Babayeva, J.Ojaghi, M.Abbasov. Efficiency of using RAPD and ISSR markers in evaluation of genetic diversity in sugar beet. Turkish Journal of Biology, volume 38, issue 4, 2014, p. 429-438 İmpakt faktor: 1.147 34. Jamala Mursalova, Zeynal Akparov, Javid Ojaghi, Mahammad Eldarov, Savaş Belen, Nurberdi Gummadov, Alexey Morgounov. Evaluation of drought tolerance of winter bread wheat genotypes under drip irrigation and rain-fed conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 39: 1-8, 2015. İmpakt faktor: 1.171 35. Babayeva S, Akparov Z, Damani A A, Izzatullayeva V, Aslanova G, Abbasov M. Genetic diversity for drought tolerance in lentils from Central Asia and the Caucasus: CACLentil/ Albanian j. agric. sci. 2014;13 (2): 1-8 İmpakt faktor: 0.987 36. З.И.Акпаров, Х.Н.Рустамов, М.А.Аббасов, А.А.Джангиров, Г.Н.Гамидов. Сравнительное изучение пшениц (Triticum L.) Азербайджана в полевом музее. Вестник Оренбургского Государственного Педагогического Университета, Электронный научный журнал (Online). 2015, № 2 (14), ISSN 2303-9922. http://www.vestospu.ru, c.47-53
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | 1. Member of Steering Committee of ECPGR
2. Chairman of CAC Regional Coordination Council on PGR 3. Chairman of "Scientific and technical council on management system on conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of cultivated plants” 4. Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, member of the Bureau of the Department 5. Head of the Scientific Council on the genetics and selection problems of the crops and livestock, Republican Research Coordination Council
Pedagogical activity
Other activities | 1. National Coordinator of International Convention on Biodiversity (CBD Coordinator)
2. National Coordinator on PGRFA 3. National Coordinator on World Information and prognosis system of FAO 4. Member of the editorial board of the journal of National Academy of Sciences (Biological Sciences) 5. Member of the editorial board of the journal “Azerbaijan Agrarian Science” 6. Member of Expert Council of Agriculture Ministry on providing a subsidy to seeds and sown material 7. The editor of scientific publications of the Genetic Resources Institute 8. Head of the Republican Society of “Protection of Biodiversity” 9. Preparing laws of Azerbaijan Republic : 1996 - "Breeding achievements " , 1998 - " Seed production " 2011 - "Conservation of plant genetic resources and their sustainable use " 10. For the period 2004-2011, the creation of the National Genebank of PGR, collection and protection of the national gene pool of seeds, 11. 2004 - preparation of the I National Report on Biological Diversity within the Convention on the status of biodiversity in Azerbaijan, 12. 2006 – The preparation of “The National Strategy and Action Plan for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity”, adopted by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan; 13. 1996-2006 - Preparation of I and II national reports on PGRFA; 14. 2006-2010 – preparation of national information exchange mechanism; 15. 2009-2010 - Preparation of the World Report on PGRFA 16. 2004-2006- Establishment of the Scientific Stations in Sheki and Lerik districts of Republic with rich plant diversity; 17. 2010-2011 - Preparation of a new variant of the Global Activity Plan of PGRFA; 18. 2011 - Preparation of the National Strategy and Action Plan on PGR; 19. Manager of 7 grant projects (manager of the pilot Project under science development foundation at the President of Azerbaijan Republic (1.3 million)); 20. Participated in several global and regional projects and programs of international importance , including the preparation of a regional strategy and the Action Plan on PGR; 21. Head of 22 international expeditions.
Awarding and prizes |
Honored Publicman of Science of Azerbaijan Republic
Place of work and its address |
Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS, Azadlig ave. 155, AZ1106, Baku
Position |
Office phone |
(+994 12) 5629171
Mobil |
(+994 50) 6114740
Home phone |
(+994 12) 3424812
Fax |
(+994 12) 4499221